iron works rivers edge tif

Once the derelict 7-acre site of the TC Iron Works, today's River’s Edge and Midtown have been transformed through extensive clean-up efforts, including Brownfield and DDA TIF initiatives.

Our City, Our Legacy, Our Future.

A proposed charter amendment threatens to undermine Tax Increment Financing, a vital financial tool that has supported Traverse City's progress for decades.

TIF—No Tax Hikes, Just Upgrades!

Vote 'No' to Preserve
Community Progress

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) transforms new development into vital community upgrades—like improved infrastructure, revitalized public spaces, and affordable housing—without raising taxes. If not for TIF, many essential city projects would not happen.

TIF—Huge Benefit, Less Burden!

Vote 'No' to Protect
Regional Investment

Tax Increment Financing bolsters our city’s budget by channeling state and regional tax revenues into local improvements at up to a 3 to 1 ratio. This strategic funding transforms ambitious community visions into valuable regional assets, placing less burden on city taxpayers.

TIF—Envision Progress Together

Vote 'No' to Empower
a Shared Future

Tax Increment Financing upgrades our infrastructure and empowers our community to direct sustainable growth. Voting 'No' preserves funding that enhances our quality of life. Strategic use of TIF shapes a shared future where community priorities take precedence.

Preserve TIF for TC — Vote "No" this Fall!

Discover the risks of the proposed charter amendment and its potential negative effects on city taxpayers. Many beloved city projects wouldn't happen without TIF.